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For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16


Jesus of Nazareth is the greatest and most important person who ever lived. The most unique and probably the most controversial statement is, He claimed to be the Son of God; not for the things he did or what he taught , but because he was born by virgin Mary being conceived by the Holy Spirit. Matt. 118-24; Luke 1:35, 28-38. Jesus was different from everyone else from the start –He was not born by natural means. He was born by the Spirit of God. He had the very nature of God in Him, hence he was able to live like God did, without sin, working miracles and loving others like He did. We know for instance that:

  • A cat is born of a cat
  • A dog is born to a dog
  • A lion is born to a lion
  • A son of God is born of God.

If we are to be like Jesus, become children of God, then we must be born by the same Spirit of God that Jesus was born of. We Must Be Born Again.

Jesus said ‘except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God……that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.’’ John 3-8. To be born again is not about joining a church, getting baptized, or turning a new leaf, but rather a  recreation  or regeneration of the inward man (the spirit of the heart) With the Spirit of God you truly become the child of God just like Jesus was. John 1:14.

’How is this possible?’’ Nicodemus asked. John 3:9. God created the universe by His word; He sustained it by His word, and controls it by his word. By the same word He can transforms simple human beings like you into a supernatural child of God. The word of God is the seed of God. 1 Peter 1:23;  Rom 1:16.


Acknowledge that you need God. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Not only have we sinned, we have a nature prone to enjoy sin. Rom 3:9-18.

Recognized and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Rom 10:9-10.

Ask Him into your life as Lord and savoir and believe in the name of Jesus. John 1:11-13. When you do this, the Spirit of God will come in and make a change in your life. No matter what your circumstances or what you have been involve with. The word says all your sins will be forgiven:

God will allow you the grace to start again by forgiving all your sins.

Your old nature prone to sin will be exchange for God’s nature that hates sin. Rom 6:5-11.

You will be guaranteed a place in heaven by the means of the Holy Spirit that is recreated in us, and our names that are written in the lamb’s book of life. Eph 1:13: Rev 20:11-13.


If you want to join the great many people who are born again, say this simple prayer, sincerely from your heart and with your mouth.

Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner lost without you.

Come into my heart as my Lord and Savoir and forgive my sins.

I believe in my heart that God raised Him up from the dead and I believe in the name of Jesus Christ

Thank you Lord for saving my soul and now I believe I am born again.

If you prayed the prayer above, congratulations! You have just become born again. Tell someone else that you are now born again.

Please send your contact information to address listed at the back of this brochure. We would like to send you some materials to help you grow in your faith.  Join a bible believing church and surely we will see you in the Kingdom.